Our prayers are with the family of our eldest parishioner, Elizabeth Zula-Mae "Mae" Davis, who passed on January 13, 2025 at the age of 99 years. Born and raised in Louisiana, Mae married Roger Davis, and they relocated to Vinita. As a parent of three children, Mae was a homemaker until her children were raised. She was then employed at White Oak School and Eastern State Hospital, and was a devout Catholic. Funeral services were at Luginbuel Funeral Home on Thursday, January 16, with interment following at Ketchum Cemetery.
Our condolences are with the family of long-time parishioner Bill Gardner, who passed on October 14, 2024. A graduate of Sacred Heart Academy, Bill and Betty (Quarterman) were married over 66 years. Bill, along with brother Jim, owned many businesses in Vinita, most notably Eddie's Grocery. Bill was a member of the Vinita Lions Club and Vinita Jaycees, and served on the Board of Directors for the Boys Ranch in Oklahoma. Rosary was October 17 at 6 pm at Highsmith Funeral Home with visitation following. Funeral Mass was Saturday, October 19 at 10 am at St. Frances of Rome parish in Langley, with Fr. Valentine Ndebilie officiating, with burial to follow in Fairview Cemetery of Vinita.
Our prayers are with the family of long-time parishioner Chuck Woodall, who passed on September 27, 2024. A 40-year employee of Northeast Oklahoma Electric Cooperative, Chuck and Irene (Loeffelholz) were married over 65 years. He and Irene were members of the Hash n Break square dance club, and he volunteered many hours with the Will Rogers Memorial Rodeo and the American Legion. Rosary was held on October 1, with Father M.E. Cashen celebrating the Funeral Mass at Holy Ghost Parish on October 2. Burial followed at Carselowey Cemetery, southeast of Vinita.
Our prayers are with the family of our long-time parishioner, Gail Curley, who passed on Holy Saturday, March 30. Gail's life was a tapestry of adventure and exploration, and she moved to Vinita in 1998, joining her sister, Carol, as a wonderful volunteer in our parish, was a Vinita town librarian, a hospice volunteer and a relentlessly generous aide to those in need. She is survived by a daughter and two sons with their spouses, and eight grandchildren. The Rosary for Gail was on Wednesday, April 3 at 6 pm, followed by visitation at Burckhalter-Highsmith Funeral Home in Vinita. The Funeral Mass was held Thursday, April 4 at 10 am at Holy Ghost Catholic Church.
Our prayers are with the family of long-time parishioner Mary Ann Bles, who passed away on January 21, 2024 in Tulsa, Oklahoma. The widow of John Bles and mother of three children, nine grandchildren, and eight great-grandchildren, Mary Ann was was very active in our Ladies' CCW organization for many years, and volunteered as a Cherry Red at our local hospital and with the Vinita Public Library. Her Funeral Mass was held Wednesday, February 7 at 10:00 am at Holy Ghost Catholic Church, with Father M.E. Cashen officiating, and burial followed at Fairview Cemetery in Vinita.
Our prayers and condolences are with Jo, Kendra and the rest of the family of long-time parishioner Arthur Frederick "Freddie" Montana, who passed from this life on December 2, 2023. Freddie was born in California and moved to Vinita in 1983. He was very active in our community as a baseball umpire, was the circulation manager of the Vinita Daily Journal for 20 years, and volunteered at the Eastern Trails Museum in retirement. His Rosary was held on Thursday, December 7 at 6:00 p.m. at the Burckhalter-Highsmith Funeral Home in Vinita, with visitation following. The Funeral Mass was held at 10:00 a.m. on Friday, December 8 at the Holy Ghost Catholic Church in Vinita, with Rev. M.E. Cashen officiating. Burial followed at the Carselowey Cemetery, southeast of Vinita.
Our prayers are with the family of lifelong parishioner Leonard J. "Butch" Taylor, Jr., who passed on November 9, 2023 at his home near Vinita. A graduate of Sacred Heart Academy, Butch worked for Elliott Equipment, Craig Co. District 1, and as an Oklahoma Army National Guard recruiter, with 23 years of military service. His Rosary Service and family visitation was at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 14 at the Burckhalter-Highsmith Funeral Home. The Funeral Mass was Wednesday, November 15 at 10:00 a.m. at Holy Ghost Catholic Church, with Fr. M.E. Cashen officiating.
Our prayers are with the family of parishioner Lt. Col. James M. Burckhalter, Ret., who passed on October 10, 2023. A graduate of Vinita High School and OSU, Jim was a decorated veteran of the U.S. Air Force and had a second career as a funeral director at Burckhalter Funeral Home. His Rosary Service and family visitation was held Sunday, October 15 at the Burckhalter-Highsmith Funeral Home in Vinita. The Funeral Mass was Monday, October 16 at the Holy Ghost Catholic Church, with Fr. M.E. Cashen officiating.
Our prayers are with the family of long-time parishioner Ramona Marie Thornton, who passed October 8, 2023 in Claremore. Visitation was held Wednesday, October 11 from 5:00 - 8:00 pm at Luginbuel Funeral Home, with Rosary at 7:00 pm. Mrs. Thornton's graveside services were Thursday, October 12 at 11:00 am at Fairview Cemetery in Vinita.
Our prayers are with Debbie Page and family on the passing of her sister, Margaret Ann Mobley on February 15, 2023. A Celebration of Life in Vinita was held on Thursday, March 16 from 4:30 - 6 pm at the Parish Hall. Arrangements were with Wilson-Little Funeral Home in Newcastle, Oklahoma. Click on the title above for the complete obituary.
A new banner with historical photos of our first Catholic Church and Sacred Heart Academy has been installed on the east side of the Parish Hall. This beautiful, large-scale banner is just one of several around town commemorating Vinita's Sesquicentennial, or 150th Anniversary in 2021.
Parishioner Theadore Thomas “Ted” Lauchner, age 42, of Vinita passed on Oct. 11, 2021. The visitation is from 6-8 p.m. Friday, October 22, 2021 at the Burckhalter-Highsmith Chapel in Vinita. The graveside service and military rites were held Saturday, October 23, 2021, at 11 a.m. at the Fairview Cemetery in Vinita, with Rev. M. E. Cashen officiating. Click on the title above for the complete obituary.
Parishioner Deborah Kay Bailey passed on Sunday, October 3, 2021 in Vinita. Family visitation is Wednesday, October 6 from 6-8 p.m. at the Burckhalter-Highsmith Chapel in Vinita, Debbie's Celebration of Life will be Thursday, October 7 at 2 p.m. at the chapel, with Father M.E. Cashen officiating. Interment will be at the Martin Cemetery near Centralia. Click on the title above for the complete obituary.
Parishioner Jesse Don Rhodes, 38 year old Tulsa resident, passed away late Sunday, September 26, 2021. Family visitation was from 6-8 p.m. on Thursday, September 30, with the Celebration of Life at 11:00 a.m. on Friday, October 1, both held at the Burckhalter-Highsmith Chapel in Vinita. Interment will be held at the Pleasant Valley Cemetery, west of Bluejacket. Click on the title above for the complete obituary.
Arvalaine (Arvie) D. Gatewood, 73, died Monday, August 16, 2021 in Tulsa, Oklahoma. The Rosary was held at the Burckhalter-Highsmith Chapel on Thursday, August 19, at 7:00 p.m., with a graveside Mass at Fairview Cemetery on Friday, August 20 at 2:00 p.m., with Rev. M. E. Cashen officiating. Click on the title above for the complete obituary.
Former long-time parishioner Raymond E. Sellmeyer entered eternal rest on Monday, June 7, 2021, at his home. The funeral was held Saturday, June 12, 2021, at St. Mark Catholic Church in Pryor, OK. Burial was at the Calvary Catholic Cemetery in Tulsa, Oklahoma, beside his wife Agnes, who passed away on January 1, 2020. Click on the title above for the complete obituary.
Parishioner Kathleen (Kathy) Eckenrode of Vinita passed away suddenly on April 20, 2021. Her Funeral Mass was held on Saturday, May 1 at 10:00 a.m. at St. Pius X Catholic Church in Tulsa. Funeral arrangements were under the direction of Serenity Funeral and Crematory in Tulsa. Click on the title above for the complete obituary.
Former long-time parishioner Evelyn Koesler passed away on Monday, March 8, 2021. Private family graveside services were held under the direction of Luginbuel Funeral Home in Vinita. Click on the title above for the complete obituary.
We are saddened to report that parishioner Ken Leiker passed away on Monday, March 1, 2021 at St. Francis Hospital in Tulsa. Private family graveside services were held Friday, March 5 at Fairview Cemetery in Vinita, with Fr. M.E. Cashen officiating. Click on the title above for the complete obituary.
Long-time parishioner Rotraud Koesler went to be with the Lord on Monday, February 15, 2021. Visitation were held on Thursday, February 25, 2021 from 5:00-7:00 p.m. at Luginbuel Funeral Home in Vinita. Graveside services were held Friday, February 26, 2021 at Noon at Fairview Cemetery in Vinita with Deacon Anthony Hicks officiating. Click on the title above for the complete obituary.